How Biden, Western Leaders Impose LGBTQ To Devalue Reputable African Morals – Plain Truth Now

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How Biden, Western Leaders Impose LGBTQ To Devalue Reputable African Morals


How Biden, Western Leaders Impose LGBTQ To Devalue Reputable African Morals


Africans are well known for strong holding on moral values and unreserved abhorrent for all forms of detestable moral bankruptcy. The fact of western communities being far ahead of Africans on issues of technology and structural developments does not suggest same when it comes to the vicinity of moral relativism.

The American Biden has by the guise of Democracy and Human rights, created and supported the creation of unnatural reign of same sex relationships and other unnatural practices to thrive in ‘God’s Own Country’.

By the shameless parade of Biden and some morally deranged members of the United Nations especially in Europe, One may be tempted to believing as truth the prediction of Socrates that Democracy will fall because, it would try to favour everybody.

Hiding under the guise of incorrectly cited human rights, the far left wing led America has not only admitted to legalizingunnatural relationships but has sworn to drag the global Nations into the adoption and Practice of LGBTQ and related vices.

Kudos to the African States who have rejected the incitement to adopt liberalism on issues concerning LGBTs but instead, have taken bold steps in criminalizing any such act.

Foremost amongst African states that promulgated anti-LGBT laws are Ghana, Uganda and Kenya. Consequently, Europe, United Nations and pro- Biden Americans are threatening to withdraw their financial and material aids to these African communities.

The call by the finance Minister of Ghana, Amnesty International, Winnie Byanyima of UN on President Nana-Addoto veto the ‘Human Sexual Life & Ghanaian Family Values Bill 2024’ already passed by the House but now waiting the pronouncement of the Court should be jettisoned.

Recently on April 3rd 2024, the Uganda’s Constitutional Court upheld the Anti-Homosexuality Act which forbids the renting of premises to LGBT People and provide for a penalty of up to 20 years imprisonment for any promoter of homosexuality and even more. We hope to see the Ghanaian Court toe this part in effort to preserve African morality from European/Western inversion.

The western influenced Supreme Court of Kenya had in February 2023 ruled that the Kenyan Constitution barred discrimination against LGBTs, contrary to the express provision of the Constitution that ‘Every adult has the right to marry a person of the opposite sex’. We also hope and wait for the passing of the Family Protection bill sponsored by Peter Kalumaprescribing punishment for unnatural sexual relationships in Kenya.

Other African countries like Tanzania, South Sudan and about 10 others who intend to replicate the good deed of Uganda are encouraged to stand firm.

Of note, as early as 1960, sodomy was considered unlawful in all US states. By 21st Century, a majority of the states had repealed all sodomy laws. Paradoxically, almost all US states are still maintaining laws banning the practice of Bestiality and I’m sure that by the overt decay in morality now prevalent, it will likely go down too. African communities should not go down with the West & East on issues relating to laying down Moral precedents for posterity.


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