Taiwan, Kosovo Betrayed As UN Approves Statehood Status For Terrorist-Run Palestine

The United Nations, on Thursday, elevated Hamas-run Palestine to the status of a nonmember observer in a sentimental violation of its charter requiring members and observers to be “peace-loving.”
145 countries of the 193-member body voted in favour of the resolution, with 41 absentions, while 6 voted against it. In reaction to the vote, the US which had voted against it, labelled the outcome “a counterproductive resolution [which] places further obstacles in the path to peace.”
The move which clearly undermines the global body as a reliable arbiter of world peace, has been decried by the people of Taiwan whose daily non-violent plea for freedom from Chinese oppression has fallen on deaf ears at the UN.
Giving Palestine a nonmember status at this moment, equates to gifting terrorists a global platform for cloaking violence with legitimacy, as the region exists largely under the direct control of terrorist factions having dashed all hopes of a democratic government in 2005.
At the basic level, the UN by its votes, strongly signals that terrorism, and religiously motivated genocide pays, individual member sentiments trump over binding charters, and a peaceful pursuit of freedom is futile—quite ironic for a body originally established to maintain and promote peace.
All 145 countries including the United Arab Emirates which put forth the resolution, must be condemned for their decision to destroy the UN from within by sacrificing the integrity of the body for shared anti-Israel sentiments.