
As the US Congress resumed yesterday with a government funding bill at hand, Republican senators have vowed to attach the SAVE Act—a bill which prohibits illegal migrants and non-US citizens from voting—to the spending bill.
The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act or SAVE Act which grants states access to federal databases for voter verification, and requires valid proof of citizenship for all voters in federal elections, is an offshoot of the 14th Amendment now specifically targeted at millions of illegal migrants with the potential to criminally influence the US elections in November. Over 12 million of such migrants have crossed the US border at the expense of impoverished US taxpayers since Biden took office.
These illegal migrants, House speaker Mike Johnson believes, form a part of the Democrat plan to rig the November elections. A plan that begins with moving them to Democrat-run welfare states where illegal voter registration becomes a precondition for receiving allowance checks and other benefits.
While Democrats dismiss this as unnecessary fear mongering, the outcome of 2020 electoral investigations in Michigan, Maricopa and Milwaukee—three battleground cities in the 2020 election—reveal otherwise. In Michigan, for example, over 300,000 ballots from the 2020 elections have now been found without a corresponding voter ID.
A USPS driver, Jesse Morgans, who had driven over 200,000 illegal ballots from New York to Pennsylvania also admitted to Fox News, Lou Doubbs, what magnitude fraud perpetrated by the Democrats exists within the US electoral system.
In Milwaukee where Joe Biden magically gained over 140,000 new ballots at midnight to win Trump by a 20,000 ballot margin, Elections director, Claire Woodhall, was recently found to have illegally printed over 64,000 ballots that night at the elections venue. A similar fraud was found in Maricopa county which openly admitted to recounting votes illegally.
As Congress Republicans fight to pass the SAVE Act patriotic citizens must be on guard to stop all forms of fraud, cheating and disenfranchisement at the polls and through mail in ballots. Leading Republican candidate, President Donald Trump has already vowed to mobilize over 100,000 poll watchers, but the figure many fear is too small to cover and counter all threats to democracy posed by the Democrats.
Republicans need hundreds of thousands more poll watchers versed with the electoral law to observe the polls. With Democrats at the helm of affairs, the fight to remain in power will be fierce and foul. Americans must stand up now to defend her economy, constitution and democracy from the threatening sewage of corruption orchestrated by a Kamala-led Democrat party.